First, you’ll hear an automated greeting with additional options. Press (1) for the veterans Lifeline and (2) for the Spanish Lifeline.

We’ll play you a little music while we connect you to a trained crisis line counselor. The location of the counselor is based on the area code of your phone.

The crisis line counselor will provide emotional support, safety assessment, safety planning, and referrals to appropriate and available resources.
988 Calls and Text are Answered By Us
Though 988 is a new number, it connects callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (the Lifeline) which has been around since 2005, providing access to crisis lines through more than 200 local crisis centers throughout the country. Here in Alameda County, Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (CSS) has been operating a crisis line since 1966 rooted in the value of neighbors helping neighbors. Today, CSS responds to more than 30,000 calls annually from people living or working in Alameda County. The long term vision for 988 is a more robust and connected crisis system.

What is 988?
Starting July 16, 2022. 988 is the new number for the existing National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255), where free compassionate support is available 24/7 for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress—whether that is thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. 988 is not 911 but if a caller is experiencing a medical emergency, is in imminent danger, or in need of an immediate intervention, 988 will contact 911.
What happens when I call 988?
When calling 988, callers first hear a greeting message while their call is routed to the local Lifeline network crisis center based on the caller’s area code. If you call from a 510, 341, or a Tri-Valley 925 number, your call will be directed to Crisis Support Services of Alameda County (CSS). The routing is not always perfect and your call may be routed to a neighboring crisis center. If you live/work/or spend time in Alameda County you are welcomed to call us directly at 1-800-309-2131.
A trained crisis counselor will answer the phone, listen to the caller, understand how a problem is affecting them, ask about suicidal thoughts and feelings and other safety concerns, provide support, and share resources if needed. If a caller is experiencing a medical emergency, or is in imminent danger of dying without in person intervention, 988 will contact the local police department.

What if I live in Alameda County but have a different area code?
Calls to 988 are routed using the callers area code. If you want to be connected to the local center in Alameda County, you can always reach us directly on their local number 800-309-2131.
What if I don’t live in Alameda County?
If you live outside of Alameda County, visit 988California.org to learn about each crisis center in California or use the Lifeline Crisis Center Look Up Tool to find crisis centers nationwide.
Do the phone or text counselors know where I am located?
At this time, 988 does not have geolocation capabilities that are commonly available when calling 911 or even using various applications on cell phones. This capability might become available in future years. CSS is committed to transparency and will notify our community when geolocation is activated.
How is 988 different from 911?
988 was established to improve access to the Lifeline using an easy to remember 3 digit number. 988 is distinct from the public safety purposes of 911 (where the focus is on dispatching Emergency Medical Services, fire and police as needed). 988 will refer to 911 in cases where emergency services are needed.
If I call 988, will first responders (police, fire, ambulance) be dispatched?
988 is intended to promote stabilization and care in the least restrictive manner. Currently, fewer than 2% of 988 calls require connection to emergency services like 911. The primary goal of 988 is to provide support for people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress in the moments they most need it. The vast majority of those seeking help from the 988 do not require any additional interventions at that moment. Some imminent safety and health issues may warrant a response from law enforcement and/or Emergency Medical Services (namely when a suicide attempt is in progress).
Is 988 available in languages other than English?
988 provides live crisis center phone services in English and Spanish and uses Language Line Solutions to provide interpretation services in over 250 additional languages for people who call 988. Callers will be prompted to press 2 for Spanish.
For Alameda County community members, we have a dedicated Spanish Text Line Program.
Horario español: 5pm – 9pm martes-vientes. Horario ingles: 4pm-11pm 7 dias de semana. Solo para residentes del condado de Alameda. Tarifas: Sin cargo de los Servicios de apoyo en casos de crisis. Envíe el mensaje de texto STOP para cancelar la suscripción.

Can I access mobile crisis teams through 988?
Mobile crisis teams refer to a team that includes a mental health professional, and other professionals such as police, fire departments, or EMT, with the goal of providing in person assessment and/or stabilization to an individual in crisis. If needed, an individual might be transported to an emergency room or crisis stabilization unit. Individuals seeking mobile crisis assistance can contact them directly. See list HERE for hours of operation and areas of coverage.
988 can refer a caller to mobile crisis teams if they require in person assistance and one is available at that time and location. 988 can also help someone navigate the mobile crisis system and support them through getting help.
What information will be collected when I call 988 and how will it be used?
People contacting 988 are not required to provide any personal data to receive services. We recognize the importance and the expectation of privacy when a person contacts 988. Any effort to obtain demographic information from those who use 988 will serve three primary purposes: 1) to save lives; 2) to connect people to ongoing support; and 3) to evaluate system needs and performance, particularly ensuring that gaps and inequities are being addressed. All information collected is stored in accordance with laws regarding medical information privacy.
Will my call be recorded?
Though the national 988 outgoing message states that calls may be recorded, CSS does not record calls. We do at times listen in on calls to support the counselors.
Does CSS work with the police?
Currently many mobile crisis teams in Alameda County respond with police departments. Additionally, there are times and locations where police are the only response option in an emergency. One of the goals of 988 is for 911 to be able to forward appropriate calls to the crisis line. CSS is currently working to establish working partnerships with the various police departments and 911 centers so mental health related calls, that don’t require a direct response, can be transferred to the crisis line. The goal is to ultimately reduce the number of instances where police are the sole responders to a crisis.
What happens if I text 988?
Text services are available in English. Spanish-speaking services are available via texting with the keyword, “AYUDA”. Depending on the phone carrier, some are routed to local centers, and this is an ongoing process to get all phone carriers on geo-location. If you text 988, any participating Lifeline crisis center in the country could respond to your texts. Once connected, a crisis counselor will listen to you, work to understand how your problem is affecting you, provide support, and share resources that may be helpful. 988 text might also contact 911 if a texter is experiencing a medical emergency, is in imminent danger, or in need of an immediate intervention. If you are looking for a local text resource, CSS operates a text line 24 hours, 7 days a week. You can access this service by texting SAFE to 20121. Limited Spanish hours are also available on the local text line. Learn more HERE.
MORE FAQ can be found at the 988 Lifeline Website
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