Amber House Crisis Stabilization and Triage

516 31st St
Oakland, CA 94609
This unit is a short-term (under 24 hours) assessment and triage unit for adults (18+) in mental health crisis. Staffing includes a nurse and social worker on every shift, and on-call psychiatry available 24/7.
Services Provided
- Outpatient medical assessment
- Mental health evaluation
- Crisis de-escalation
- Case management (discharge planning & linkage to resources)
- All basic needs met (food, shower, clothing, bed, etc.)
- Transport to discharge location if needed, once de-escalated
Client Eligibility
- 18+
- People does not meet criteria for 5150 hold (danger to self, danger to others, grave disability)
- People is experiencing any mental health symptoms and need further support and evaluation
- Peoples at risk of losing a placement due to escalating symptoms and need respite
- Must have Alameda County Medi-Cal or be eligible
- Voluntarily agree to come to the unit – We are not locked, so people can leave if they choose